
Anzahl Produkte: 2
Anzahl Angebote: 7
Anzahl Händler: 2


Edhard Dosiermaschinen & Gebäckfüllmaschinen für die Herstellung von Donuts, Berlinern & Karpfen: Dosieren, propotionieren, abfüllen & wiegen. 
Edhard Füllgeräte sind ausgestattet mit Trichtern & zwei Füllspitzen, die ausgetauscht werden können.

Edhard equipment fills a need in the marketplace. The bakery, food service, cosmetic and packaging industries use our metering systems to save time and material.
Our products include Filler Units, Power Bases, Cake Decorators and Accessories.

A partial list of food products, which can be injected, deposited, layered, and topped by using our dosing systems:

Batters, butter, cheesecake, cottage cheese, cream cheese, creams, custard, fruit fillings, honey, icing, jelly, ketchup, molasses, mustard, oils peanut butter, preserves, pudding, purees, ricotta cheese, salad dressings, salsa, syrups, tomato paste, tomato sauce, whipped cream, yogurt and many other products.

Non-food product applications*:

Cosmetic creams, finger paints, gels, glycerin, hand creams, lotions, industrial lubricants, ointments, petroleum jelly, toothpaste and other products.

Edhard Corp.
279 Blau Road
Hackettstown, NJ 07840

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